
Charcoal Rake And Tongs



Key Features


Napoleon's Charcoal Rake and Tongs have been designed to safely scoop, rake, move hot or cold charcoal and ash around the grill as needed. The 25-inch (63.5 cm) multifunctional rake that functions as a grid flipper as well, and 20-inch (50.8 cm) tongs keep your hands safely away from the heat. Charcoal management when using kettle grills and smokers can be hot work, make life easier and safer with the Charcoal Rake and Tongs set. Safely rake and move hot charcoal and ash around to where it’s needed while keeping your hands away from the heat. Whether you are refining your favorite cooking techniques on the barbecue or learning an entirely new way of preparing a meal, Napoleon has the barbecue accessories you need. Clever, multifunctional and easy to maintain, every kitchen benefits from the addition of a Napoleon barbecue accessory. Our accessories provide you with the essentials to create delicious grilled food and then some to enhance your cooking arsenal with a wide variety of creative additions to broaden your culinary horizons.

Key Features

Designed to Scoop, Rake, Move Charcoal and Ash
25" Multifunctional Charcoal Rake
Dual-end Functions as a Grid Lifter
Safely Reach Lit Coals
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