
BBQ Safety Tips for Cooking with Kids

A weekend BBQ with the family will always be a childhood memory to fondly look back on. But what is it about this bonding activity that manages to pull on all the heartstrings? Is it the smell of delicious BBQ that slowly fills the air? The cool breeze in your hair as you run around with your siblings? Or the sight of mom and dad’s teamwork as they grill up some lunch? We can’t really pinpoint what it is that makes BBQ with the family such an endearing childhood memory — it just is.

BBQ safety tips are surely a topic that has been brought up by mom and dad on those weekends. With Labor Day ahead – a holiday that is all about recognizing hard work – it’s the perfect time to show your kids how to safely work around the grill! After all, Labor Day has practically become synonymous with barbecue!

With these tips, you’ll be able to safely create more fun memories with your kids by the grill. Read on to see our top BBQ safety tips!


Grilling Statistics from the NFPA

According to the National Fire Protection Association in the United States, around 19,700 patients are brought into the ER each year due to injuries involving grills. About 9,500 of those injuries are thermal burns. In addition, an average of 10,600 home fires are started by grills every year.

While these numbers do seem alarming, it doesn’t mean that you should stop grilling — it just means that every household should be well-informed on grill safety. If everyone (kids and adults alike!) does their homework on BBQ safety tips then accidents like these can be avoided. Remember, awareness saves lives!


BBQ Safety Tips to Remember

Grilling up BBQ meals is always incredibly exciting. It’s definitely something that kids get curious about and might want to join in on. While it’s a ton of fun for every member of the family to be involved in the process of cooking, safety should always be a priority. Here are some of the things you can do to ensure grill safety for the whole family!




Buy a Fire Extinguisher

Do you own a fire extinguisher? If the answer is “no”, then it’s high time you start looking for one! A fire extinguisher is a must-have for every home, whether it is equipped with a grill or not. Remember to teach every member of the family how to use it in case the need arises. This is one of the most important BBQ safety tips to keep in mind.


Teach Basic Fire Safety Techniques

“Stop, drop, and roll” is a basic fire safety technique that you should definitely teach kids. Don’t forget that this should only be used if their clothes catch fire. Here’s how it works:

  1. Stop where you are

  2. Drop to the ground

  3. Cover your eyes and mouth with your hands

  4. Lay flat on the ground with your legs straightened out

  5. Roll over and back and forth until the flames go out


Set Up the Grill Strategically

Where you setup your grill plays a huge role in overall safety. Never use indoors or in a screened-in area, covered porch, or garage, as charcoal and propane may release toxic gases that could cause carbon monoxide poisoning.

Make sure the grill is far away from flammable objects and other items that could easily catch fire such as napkins, paper plates, and even dried leaves. Maintain proper clearance to combustibles. We at Napoleon recommend 20 inches to the rear, 7 inches from the sides, and 24 inches near vinyl siding for gas barbecues, and 5 feet on all sides for charcoal. Keeping in mind children's play zones, foot traffic, and nearby foliage when setting up your BBQ area.




Create a Kid-free Zone

It’s not that we’re encouraging you to be a fun-sucker or anything, but declaring a “kid-free zone” is one of the BBQ safety tips you should really take into consideration.

Use any fire-resistant material to establish some borders around the grill that the kids shouldn’t cross. Or better yet, ask the kids to draw the line themselves with chalk. We recommend the borders to be set/drawn at least 3 feet away from the grill.

Don’t forget to explain to the kids why this is being done. You might also want to announce that you’ll be giving a prize to those who follow the rules!


Keep These Items Out of Reach

The grill itself isn’t the only thing at a backyard barbecue that could potentially cause accidents. If you plan on using skewers during your next family BBQ, make sure to tell your kids to be extra careful and to never walk around while holding these sharp objects. It would be best if you remove the food from the skewers and transfer it onto a plate for children to safely consume it.

  • gasoline, matches, and lighters

  • sharp forks, knives, and skewers

  • hot food and liquids


Never Leave the Kids and the Grill Unattended

One of the main causes of grill accidents is leaving it unattended. While you watch the kids, someone should watch the grill and vice versa.

Coal can retain heat for hours even after grilling, so it’s important to constantly keep a close eye on it even after the food is cooked.


Grill Responsibly with Napoleon

These BBQ safety tips will ensure that your family bonding activities by the grill will turn into fun memories that the kids will always look back on one day. Ensuring proper grill safety should always be a priority. The key is to make sure everyone is always well-informed. Who knows, your kids might even pass these tips on to their own children one day!

Grill responsibly and create memorable moments with a grill that’s built to last. Napoleon grills stand apart from the crowd. You’ll be blown away by our stunning construction and superior functions. It’s all you need to upgrade your BBQ game. Find a Napoleon Dealer near you.
