
Dad’s Smoky Maple Ribs

By: Andrea Alden

Dads don’t want much on Father’s Day. Some time to relax, little to no responsibilities, and a good meal. That’s where Dad’s Smoky Maple Ribs come in. This easy recipe is fairly set-and-forget. The smoky flavor and sticky sauce make this a perfect meal to serve after a hard day of doing whatever he wants.

Temps de préparation
15 min
Temps de cuisson
190 min

Dad’s Smoky Maple Ribs






4 racks

back ribs, trimmed

Napoleon Smoker Chips (Maple/Apple)

Napoleon Smoker Tube


1½ tbsp. 

dehydrated garlic

1 tbsp. 

coarse sea salt

1 tbsp. 

smoked paprika

2 tsp. 

dried thyme

2 tsp.

onion powder

1 tsp. 

cayenne pepper

2 tsp. 

freshly ground black pepper

2 tsp. 

dried parsley

¼ cup 

packed brown sugar


1 pkg

Smokehouse Maple Wet Rub by Club House La Grille

½ cup 

dry garlic sparerib sauce

2 tbsp.

maple syrup or honey

  1. The day before, combine the rub ingredients in a bowl. Remove the silverskin from the back of each rack of ribs, then dust each rack with the seasoning mix. Place the ribs onto a wire rack over a baking sheet and allow the ribs to dry in the fridge over night.
  2. When you are ready to start, fill the Napoleon Smoker Tube with your favorite flavor of wood chips, lift the cooking grids and place the Tube onto the sear plates of your grill.
  3. Preheat the grill to between 250°F and 300°F using one or two burners, including the one that has the smoker tube over it.
  4. When the grill is warmed and the tube is smoking a little, place the ribs onto the cooking grids, making sure that they are not over direct heat. Cook them slowly using indirect heat for two to three hours, or until a nice bark has formed on the outside and a meat thermometer registers between 150°F and 160°F. You will need to change the wood chips a few times.
  5. Once the ribs are tender and smoky, remove them from the grill to rest while you preheat the grill to 450°F+ for searing.
  6. In a bowl, combine the wet rub, sparerib sauce, and syrup. Brush the ribs with the sauce mixture and then sear them over direct heat for 2 to 5 minutes per side, until the sauce has caramelized and the ribs have sear marks on them. Be careful not to burn them at this point.
  7. Serve the ribs immediately with a delicious potato salad and cut vegetables.

Whether you are celebrating Father’s Day or just wish for an enjoyable and easy rib recipe, Dad’s Smoky Maple Ribs are easily top of the list. We enjoyed this with my Horseradish Potato salad (recipe below) and there were no leftovers. (Though when you try this, it won’t be hard to see why.) How did you celebrate Father’s Day? Show us on our social pages like Grills Facebook and Grills Instagram, using the hashtags #FathersDayBBQ and #NapoleonGrill.


Remove the silverskin from the back of the ribs


Season the ribs with rub, then dry, uncovered, for 24 hours in the fridge


Preheat the grill to 250°F, and smoke for 3 hours


It helps to have someone to keep an eye on things


The ribs will begin to develop a light bark


Start to get saucy


Sear for grill marks and to caramelize the sauce


Serve hot off the grill


They're so delicious

Andrea Alden

J'étais la Sultane du Sizzle autrefois, mais vous pouvez m'appeler Andrea. J'ai toujours été passionnée par la nourriture. Même si je me spécialisais dans l'art et le graphisme, j'ai toujours eu l'habitude de cuisiner pour mes amis et ma famille.

En savoir plus

Remove the silverskin from the back of the ribs


Season the ribs with rub, then dry, uncovered, for 24 hours in the fridge


Preheat the grill to 250°F, and smoke for 3 hours


It helps to have someone to keep an eye on things


The ribs will begin to develop a light bark


Start to get saucy


Sear for grill marks and to caramelize the sauce


Serve hot off the grill


They're so delicious


Cuisinez comme un professionnel.